Nestory John Msigwa is a young man of 26 years of age is the owner of Agri Farmers and Produce Enterprises, who formerly was seen in street manufacturing lemon grass and packaging in a local way and he was the only person employed.  SIDO Mbeya advised him to attend a five days training in food processing of which he attended.



After training other advises followed that include;

  • Advise in arrangement in working premise( plant layout)
  • Business formalization
  • Advise on packaging and labelling and to have packages of different sizes
  • At present is in the process of finalizing TBS mark.



After interventions the following improvements have been achieved;

  1. Created five employment opportunities from one before 
  2. Sales increased from average of tshs 120,000/- per month to 5,400,000/=
  3. Production increase from 30kg to 800kgs per moth
  4. Price per kg has increased from Tshs 4,000/ to 6,500/- 
  5. Varieties of products has increased from one before to 4 i.e. Tea Massala , mchuzi mix spices, cardamon
  6. He has own barcode.  


Contact: 0768532962

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