The Jua Kali Group is located near by Kkkt church at Nyakato Buzuruga Ilemela District the group works with closer need in within them,the group has just ten member acting in the project.The group is registered by CBO's regulations under community act. The group was originally scarce from several matters patterning productins and technological help these includes capital facilities as well as technological advice,at its initiative with SIDO corely to advisory needs which was its board of relationship to SIDO. At its first time the group took 4m and timely 10m currently. the way towards its grow is an effort from SIDO MWANZA The group makes soaps,hair food (kuza),candles,acid car battery,gasoline,shampoo,and chalks. the GROUP with the help from officers has got TIN and Licence the group received its support related to capacity building and capital support. the group thank SIDO for being it a last resort of project help.n

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