Access to technology

For the manufacturing SMEs to be established, grow and sustain in the competitive market they need to have appropriate technologies in their production. In order for SMEs to acquire these technologies SIDO is identifying and disseminating them to users. SMEs after acquiring appropriate technologies are in position to improve productivity and products quality. Technology information is this web portal are presented in the form of; name of technology, function of technology, specification, driving power, photograph of the technology and manufacturer/supplier name with contacts.

The machine can be used to blend variety of  friuts to make juice, but also it can be used to blend garlic for making garlic paste and other spices
Juice Blender
Seed cleaning process always applied when there is a need of preparation of seeds further processing of keeping as input for other coming farming. It much used when adding value of seeds in to either flour, oil or any other form. variety
cleaned seeds
This machine is used for cracking the hard-shell of palm nut in order to obtain the kernel nut
Palm Nut Cracker
used to extract palm oil from palm fruits by breaking down the oil-bearing cells
Palm Oil (Mawese)
Sunflower oil Double refine is the machine for remove of unwanted inpurities from cruid sunflower oil.
Refined sunflower Cooking Oil
The machines use fractional distractions to cool mercury vapor which is harmful and very dangerous
Preventing body from Mercury Vapor and Recycling of Mercury during separating gold from mercury
Sewing machine treadle:  
The machines has sloping of 300 to allow sloping and concentrate together mineral using mecury
Mineral will be concentrated and recovery using mercury
Extraction of oil from sunflower seeds is always done by sunflower extractor.
After extraction of oil from seeds the next process is process is filtering in order to remove residures.
sunflower crude oil
